BW image of Vincent Dupin, a Lot-et-Garonne wedding photographer
Photo by: 
Jody Priour
1500+ (EUR)

Vincent Dupin

Lot-et-Garonne Marriage Photographer


Photographer Immortalizes Life's Vibrant Moments with Passion

Born in 1979 and having grown up near Bordeaux, I followed long studies which led me to live in Spain and after taking a 6-year detour in Paris and abroad, I put down my bags in Agen with my wife and our THREE (!!!) children.

Life as a parent is not easy but it is a driving force and our entire life revolves around our children.

In my forties, I love the cinema even if I only have a little time to go there and even watch films or series. If I have to name my favorite films:

Matrix- Son of Man – Gravity- 1917 – The Red Line, ALL Denis Villeneuve films – The Odyssey of Pi – Snyder verse films -Silent Hill- Parasites – Inception- Interstellar – the Revenant- The Batman – the visual masterpiece Mad Max Fury Road- American Beauty. Lord of the Rings - Gone Girl

I really like absurd humor and absolutely worship “the city of fear” and “the American class”.

Musically, I like all types of music and I love dancing, even if I dance very badly! Don't worry if you see me moving on the dance floor at the same time as I'm taking the party photos :).

I love traveling and the Covid crisis has been a bit of an ordeal for me. But it allowed me to discover several French regions which are magnificent. But the most beautiful memories are those of Japan, Australia, Argentina and Indonesia.

I have been taking photos since I was very young. I started wedding photography in 2014 because I find it to be one of the most complete disciplines. Reportage, portraiture, creativity, journalism... everything is there! But above all, I love this atmosphere, seeing happy people and being there to immortalize this day.

And since then I have seen tears, hugs, laughter and emotion.

I am very, very, very talkative! But I know how to keep quiet when necessary ^^.

As I often say during the first meetings with clients, what is important is the relationship, that the flow really passes between the couple and the photographer who will accompany them all day...

9 WPJA Spotlight

7 Awards for Documentary Wedding Photography

3 Awards from the Artistic Guild of Wedding Photojournalists