A color studio portrait of Santa Fe, Argentina wedding photographer Pablo Banterla
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Pablo Banterla

Pablo Banterla Fotografia | Argentina Wedding Images



Pablo Banterla, a wedding photographer from Santa Fe, Argentina, has always viewed the world through an artistic lens, capturing moments that embody beauty. For Pablo, beauty is not merely aesthetics but a culmination of images, sensations, colors, aromas, and emotions. What started as a playful fascination in his mind soon transformed into a consuming passion that he felt compelled to share with others. However, conveying the depth of emotions that an image encapsulates proved to be a challenge. How could Pablo explain that a single photograph could evoke such strong feelings and bring past events back to life in the present? It was through his exploration of photography that Pablo realized its power to not only immortalize fleeting moments of beauty but also to enable others to connect with and cherish the emotions of the past. After an interlude pursuing other endeavors, Pablo rekindled his passion for photography in 2018 and discovered the art of documentary wedding photography. Since then, he has embarked on a journey of continuous learning and growth, honing his skills by training with experts both in Argentina and across the globe. Pablo's unique approach to wedding photography allows him to capture the authentic emotions and precious moments that make each wedding a truly extraordinary event.

9 WPJA Spotlight

3 Awards for Documentary Wedding Photography

5 Diamond Awards for Engagement Portraits