Colorado Artistic Wedding Photographer Winner - 2662651

A bride and groom are seen embracing in a romantic kiss against the backdrop of a snowy mountain and a stunning canyon view at their wedding in Estes Park, Colorado
Colorado, United States

Jesse La Plante

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Wedding photographer Jesse La Plante of Colorado, United States was awarded by the Artistic Guild of the WPJA for this creative wedding photograph.

The Artistic Guild of the Wedding Photojournalist Association has awarded Colorado, United States wedding photographer Jesse La Plante for outstanding and creative wedding photography at Estes Park Black Canyon Inn.

The most artistic and creative wedding photographers around the world enter their images in the AG WPJA photography competitions because they appreciate having the opportunity to have their work recognized by our judges.

2022 v01 Artistic Guild Judges

Wedding Event/Venue Location: 
Affirm Year: 
I affirm this photograph was created in 2024.