hill Wedding Photographers

New Jersey, United States

Kyo Morishima

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Wedding photographer Kyo Morishima, was awarded place for photo 1120676 in the category for the WPJA's .

The WPJA contest judges presented Kyo Morishima, a New Jersey, United States wedding photographer, with this Master Piece Award as recognition for top wedding photojournalism in the industry.

The leading documentary wedding photographers in the world enter their best photos to the Wedding Photojournalist Association's photography competitions. They want their wedding reportage photographs to be evaluated and selected by some of the most notable and respected working picture editors and photojournalists in the news industry (these are not wedding photographers or other WPJA members judging their work). Winning these competitions is a true accomplishment for a wedding photographer.


  • It pays to take a few steps back sometimes. Nice vista.
British Columbia, Canada

Rick Collins

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Wedding photographer Rick Collins, was awarded place for photo 1116011 in the category for the WPJA's .

The WPJA contest judges presented Rick Collins, a British Columbia, Canada wedding photographer, with this Master Piece Award as recognition for top wedding photojournalism in the industry.

The leading documentary wedding photographers in the world enter their best photos to the Wedding Photojournalist Association's photography competitions. They want their wedding reportage photographs to be evaluated and selected by some of the most notable and respected working picture editors and photojournalists in the news industry (these are not wedding photographers or other WPJA members judging their work). Winning these competitions is a true accomplishment for a wedding photographer.


    United States

    Aaron Morris

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    Wedding photographer Aaron Morris, was awarded place for photo 1589936 in the category for the WPJA's .

    The WPJA contest judges presented Aaron Morris, a United States wedding photographer, with this Master Piece Award as recognition for top wedding photojournalism in the industry.

    The leading documentary wedding photographers in the world enter their best photos to the Wedding Photojournalist Association's photography competitions. They want their wedding reportage photographs to be evaluated and selected by some of the most notable and respected working picture editors and photojournalists in the news industry (these are not wedding photographers or other WPJA members judging their work). Winning these competitions is a true accomplishment for a wedding photographer.


    • The bride and groom stand together, radiating an opulent magnificence, like the setting sun behind them. Not only is this photo masterfully composed and exposed but the photographer’s choice of setting and time is spot on.

    Wedding photographer Luca Panvini, was awarded place for photo 1492231 in the category for the WPJA's .

    The WPJA contest judges presented Luca Panvini, a Roma, Italy wedding photographer, with this Master Piece Award as recognition for top wedding photojournalism in the industry.

    The leading documentary wedding photographers in the world enter their best photos to the Wedding Photojournalist Association's photography competitions. They want their wedding reportage photographs to be evaluated and selected by some of the most notable and respected working picture editors and photojournalists in the news industry (these are not wedding photographers or other WPJA members judging their work). Winning these competitions is a true accomplishment for a wedding photographer.


    • This is a great gift to the client to establish sense-of-place of the wedding. I love this as a final image of the day.
    • There is a subtle and gentle feel to this photo that makes you feel as though you are an unassuming traveler watching a rite and passage of village life. The viewer becomes purveyor insistent on a vicarious journey with VIP access to the inner realm of something more. With all of the minimalist simplicity of this image, I find it intriguing that it is almost fantastical and larger than life. Wow. What a journey it is when good photojournalism holds the reins.