Top 1 Fine Art Memphis Wedding Photographers for 2024

Page Updated: January 31st, 2024

Would you love to find a fine-art, artistic Memphis wedding photographer to document the details of your big day and to complement your unique love story with a creative flair? The Wedding Photojournalist Association can help! Our documentary-style Memphis wedding photographers are, first and foremost, photographers — artists, in other words, whose medium is the still photograph. In the Artistic Guild competitions, WPJA members show off their creative talents for digitally enhanced still-lifes and fine-art detail photos.

Quarterly Artistic Guild contests for fine-art Memphis wedding photography are held annually, entered and judged separately from the WPJA competitions held during the year. After each contest, we add another collection of award-winning detail images to our wedding photographer’s member profile galleries.

What could be better than the details of your carefully planned event captured by a top Memphis fine art wedding photographer? Detail images generally are tighter framed shots on some of the day’s textures, and features, whether as arranged by the photographer or as they were found: dresses, gowns, suits, rings, linens, flowers, bouquets, cake, shoes, or champagne glasses. A collection of tightly cropped faces would likely also be a “details” shot if the surrounding context has been subdued to bring out the image’s artistic impact.

Couple engagement portraits by wedding photographer Joshua Grasso

Joshua Grasso is a professional wedding photographer, as well as a loving husband and father. He has a unique eye for capturing stunning and artistic portraits during weddings, using techniques like silhouette, contrast, backlighting, and shadow to create beautiful shapes and contours. He especially loves shooting during the golden hour, when the sun is setting and casting a romantic light. Joshua also has expertise in using...