2024 Top 2 Engagement Photographers Near French Riviera

Page Updated: June 13th, 2024

Find pre-wedding photographers in French Riviera who specialize in creative engagement portraits in natural environments, urban settings, indoors, and outdoors. They have expertise in natural lighting and can also bring lighting equipment.

Let the Wedding Photojournalist Association help you find the perfect French Riviera engagement photographer for a personalized pre-wedding photoshoot. Get to know your photographer's shooting style and build a strong rapport through a couple's photo session. This experience will help ease any anxiety or nerves you may have about your wedding day photography. Trust our professionals to guide you to the best locations and create custom and artistic engagement images that reflect your love story.

Engagement Portraits by top Wedding and Elopement Photographer Sylvain Bouzat

Sylvain Bouzat, a contemporary and stylish engagement photographer, specializes in taking bold and fun-filled portraits of couples before their wedding day. He excels at capturing couples in urban environments and architectural settings using expert framing and natural light.

Tours Wedding Photographer Hugo Desessard of the Indre-et-Loire, Centre-Val de Loire, France WPJA

Hugo Desessard is an experienced wedding photographer based in Tours. He specializes in creative engagement portraits of couples, capturing their uniqueness and emotions with an artistic and natural touch. He particularly enjoys shooting by the water for pre-wedding portrait sessions.