2nd place in Slow Shutter

The bride climbs stairs in her long dress
United States

Margaret Lake

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Wedding photographer Margaret Lake, was awarded 2nd place for photo 43526 in the Slow Shutter category for the WPJA's 2002.

The WPJA contest judges presented Margaret Lake, a United States wedding photographer, with this Master Piece Award as recognition for top wedding photojournalism in the industry.

The leading documentary wedding photographers in the world enter their best photos to the Wedding Photojournalist Association's photography competitions. They want their wedding reportage photographs to be evaluated and selected by some of the most notable and respected working picture editors and photojournalists in the news industry (these are not wedding photographers or other WPJA members judging their work). Winning these competitions is a true accomplishment for a wedding photographer.

2002 Judges


  • Nice image. Good blur. The first and second place images are wowzers pictures. It was a pretty tough decision. First place is a perfect combo of architectural photography and motion. Ditto for second place. You get a sense of place. But without the bride the photo would be static. She adds the life the image needs. Second place has a dreamy and ethereal quality but we thought it could have been improved by having the focus more on the bride and less on the center of the gown. It was a close call and when we saw such two strong images then we moved to a compositional nit pick to determine the winner.

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