Wisconsin Wedding Photography Award - 2254221

Bishop's Bay Wedding Photograph in Madison WI - Guests stand in front of an air conditioner as tempertures inside of the reception tent climb over 80 degrees.
Wisconsin, United States

Ruthie Hauge

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Photograph 2254221 was awarded to Wisconsin, United States wedding photographer Ruthie Hauge for being the best in documentary wedding photography.

The WPJA is pleased to present Wisconsin, United States wedding photographer Ruthie Hauge with an official Master Piece Award as recognition for exceptional wedding photojournalism at Bishops Bay Madison WI.

The very best photojournalistic wedding photographers from around the world submit their best photos to the Wedding Photojournalist Association’s photography competitions because they appreciate having the opportunity to be recognized in this field. Their photos are scrutinized by some of the most notable and respected working photojournalists and picture editors in the news industry (not the wedding industry). Winning in these competitions is a major accomplishment for a professional wedding photographer.

Wedding Event/Venue Location: 
Bishops Bay Madison WI

2018 v10 Photography Competition Judges